What is a Job Board and How Can it Improve Your EDO, University, or Trade Association


Unlike a job search engine that looks at job postings throughout the Web, a job board is typically more focused on a particular type of job, a certain location, or an industry.

These are some key features of a job board:

  • Jobs specific to a location, industry, etc.
  • Application process to allow posting on the job board
  • Little to no duplicate or unrelated job postings

The audience for job boards differs depending on the purpose of the job board, but can include:

  • Those in a specific job market or industry
  • Job seekers looking for work in a specific area
  • Employers looking for talent close to their location
  • Employers looking for job seekers with experience in their industry
Economic Development Organization (EDO)

Job boards are the perfect tool for EDOs who are looking to promote jobs focused on the area they serve. A job board is a resource that will support the EDO’s many stakeholders. The advanced analytics available with an on-site job board can prove your EDO’s worth and lead to more sponsorships and funding. An on-site job board can also increase website traffic and encourage economic growth in your region. To see how a job board can work for your EDO, read about how Ann Arbor SPARK almost doubled their application clicks and more than doubled their conversions after implementing an onsite job board.

Schools and Universities

Schools and Universities have specific target audiences and stakeholders to keep in mind. Their goal is typically to help students and alumni find jobs locally and fill open positions within the university and surrounding community. By utilizing a job board instead of a job search engine, schools can create a targeted list of employer and job seeker opportunities for their stakeholders. This will increase website traffic and aid the university in reaching their employment goals.

Trade Associations

Trade associations can also benefit from utilizing a job board to address stakeholder needs. The basic function of a trade association is to create a network of people in a similar industry and to grow their industry. A job board can help accomplish those goals by allowing industry employers to post jobs in a place dedicated to the industry, while also aiding job seekers looking for specific positions within the industry. An on-site job board can even have the potential to increase your trade association’s revenue by optionally charging employers to post jobs.

For more information on the essential functions of a job board, discover the Eight Requirements of a Job Board. For more information about implementing your own EDO, University or Trade Association job board, request a demo.